Differences and similarities between Zits and research topics.

TIQA Paragraphs about; violence, anger, and loneliness in the character Zits from the book “flight”


“Teens and anger”

Psychiatrist Lauren Allerhand states “The prefrontal cortex, which is the part of our brains involved in problem solving and impulse control, isn’t fully developed until your mid-to-late twenties,”

This means that up until the mid-to-late twenties the brain is easily molded as we see in Zits when he thinks he is nothing better than an angry kid who likes to start fires. The article is similar to Zits because it tells the readers that Zits as a character is easily molded because he did not learn otherwise from any sort of parental figure.

“Dealing with anger”

The author states “Self-harm may feel like a way of dealing with anger that works for you. But it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism. It may get rid of some of the stress or emotion at first, but it doesn’t help deal with the reason you’re feeling angry.”

This means that up until the mid-to-late twenties the brain is easily molded as we see in Zits when he thinks he is nothing better than an angry kid who likes to start fires. The article is similar to Zits because it tells the readers that Zits as a character is easily molded because he did not learn otherwise from any sort of parental figure

“Loneliness in teens”

The author states “There are a lot of different ways to feel lonely. Maybe you have a great group of friends, but wish you had one best friend to go to for everything. Or maybe you have one amazing friend, but miss being part of a group. Knowing what’s missing won’t magically make it appear, but it will make the overwhelming feeling of loneliness seem a bit more manageable and give you something to work toward.

In the book “Flight” the main character Zits experiences extreme feelings of loneliness because he has not experienced any sort of long-lasting friendship, and he has not had a decent parental figure since his parents died. The article is different than Zits because he has never experienced any sort of meaningful affection from anyone other than his parents. which died when he was young.


Why Loneliness Affects Young People More Often Than Older Adults

“A 25-year-old who laughs with colleagues, meets friends for drinks and sees family for dinner every Sunday may seem to have a rich network of interpersonal connections. In reality, they may feel lonelier than their widowed grandmother who only sees people when relatives visit on Sundays. A growing body of research shows that young people are more likely to feel lonely than older adults. A number of factors may be at play.”

This differs from Zit’s character in the novel “Flight” because he is surrounded by a vast variety of different characters, yet not a single one of them cares for Zits as a person. The people around Zits only believe he is nothing but another orphan who needs to be taken care of.

“Preventing Youth Violence”

“Youth violence is the intentional use of physical force or power to threaten or harm others by young people ages 10-24. It can include fighting, bullying, threats with weapons, and gang-related violence. A young person can be involved with youth violence as a victim, offender, or witness. Youth violence is a serious public health problem. It is an adverse childhood experience (ACE) that can have long-term impacts on health and wellbeing. The good news is violence is preventable, and we can all help young people grow without violence.”

This quote differs from zits because it says that violence is something that can be prevented. But we don’t see that in Zits. For example when on page 8 Zits states “I like to start fires. And I’m ashamed that I’m a Firestarter.” This differs from the source because it provides information about how Zits has never experienced proper discipline from any parental figure or otherwise.

Adolescent-to-Parent Violence: Psychological and Family Adjustment

“Adolescent-to-Parent Violence (APV) or Child-to-Parent Violence (CPV) is a specific form of violence that has remained inconspicuous until recently, but is becoming a mounting social issue and is increasingly the focus of scientific research. Of the variables related to APV, the study assessed the characteristics of the family system and its relationship to the psychosocial adjustment of adolescents, an aspect scarcely examined in the literature.”

This is different from Zits as a character because the article describes how Child-to-parent violence or (CPV) can affect an individual. However, zits only had parents for a small portion of his life. and the “parents” he did have did not care enough about him to teach him anything.

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